Should you wash your face with cold water?

Should you wash your face with cold water?

1. What is the impact of cold water on the skin?

Cold water affects the skin in many positive ways. For example, preventing acne is one potential benefit. According to a cosmetic expert, washing your face with hot water can remove oils that can cause acne. As a result, “this can trigger the skin to produce even more oil.” In this case, cold water can do a great job of adjusting the oil level.

Besides, cold water may also be better for specific skin conditions, such as rosacea. Hot water causes blood vessels to dilate more, making the skin redder.

2. Benefits of washing your face with cold water

face wash cold water

To know whether you should wash your face with cold water, consider these benefits before applying.

Cold water can be especially beneficial for dry or acne-prone skin. If you have chronically dry skin, hot water can strip away sebum and aggravate the problem, so washing your face with cold water is a good alternative.

This benefits the skin for several reasons: reducing the appearance of pores and cleansing the face.

Washing your face with cold water also increases blood flow to the exposed area. Increased blood flow helps protect the skin from free radicals and can help the skin become brighter and healthier.

Furthermore, cold water provides several other health benefits when bathing in a shower with water temperature below 21 degrees Celsius (70 F degrees) or hydrotherapy, such as improved circulation, increased endorphins, and enhanced metabolism.

3. Disadvantages of washing your face with cold water

So, is washing your face with cold water completely good? There are still some disadvantages to using cold water on the face. Cold water tightens pores so bacteria and debris can get trapped and not escape as quickly as using warm water.
pores appear cold wash
In addition, excess oil is not dissolved in cold water, so facial skin will not be as clean as desired. This can lead to clogged pores and acne. And yet, in skin care products, many cleaning ingredients are designed to be used with warm water.

Therefore, you should wash your face with warm water first to remove makeup and pollutants from the day. Then, wash your face with cold water to tighten pores and promote blood circulation for healthy, glowing skin.

4. Should you wash your face with ice-cold water?

ice water face wash
Washing your face with ice water has many advantages, such as regular cold water and other benefits, such as helping to regenerate the skin, reduce wrinkles, reduce sagging, and bring whiter and rosier skin.

Helps reduce puffiness and improve the skin under the eyes in people with eye bags and dark circles

When sunburned skin, applying ice combined with particular nutrients, including vitamins K, E, and C, helps soothe the skin and restore it quickly.
However, be careful not to rub ice too hard or too long on the skin because it can cause cold burns, redness, itching, or facial irritation.

5. Tips to keep your face clean

When should I wash my face?

Generally, it would help if you washed your face twice daily, morning and night. Do not wash too much, as it can cause irritation and dry skin.

A quick cleanse in the morning before applying moisturizer helps remove bacteria from overnight exposure to pillowcases and reduces puffiness. Wash your face at night to remove makeup and impurities that accumulate from your skin during the day.
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What should you keep in mind when washing your face to keep it clean?

Use your fingertips to clean your face and dry it with a soft towel.
Wipe and wash off sweat after exercising because sweat can clog pores.
Keep skin hydrated by consuming enough water every day. Health experts recommend providing about 2 liters of water per day.
Use products scientifically: choose a cleanser with the right ingredients for your skin. It would help if you used a gentle cleanser for your skin, then use serum and lotion with active ingredients such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, and vitamin C,... depending on each skin condition.
Hand washing your face with cold water has many benefits, such as tightening pores, preventing acne, and making your face look brighter. However, for most skin care needs, you should also use warm water when using cosmetics. Talk to a dermatologist or other skin care professional to determine what is best for your individual skin needs.

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